The Life Changer Chapter 2 Likely Jamb Questions
The Story of Ummi and university as a life changer.
1. What was Salma’s Physical appearance?
Answer: Salma was a fair complexioned girl, tall, slim and rather busty.
2. What does Selma believe about Lecturers?
Answer: University Lecturers take money from boys and ask girls on a date
3. Why was the HOD close to Ummi
Answer: She knows her husband very well and was even the one who worked her admission.
4. Why was the People of Lafayette happy?
Answer: Because their daughter Ummi was going to the University.
5. What was the first thing that struck Ummi in school?
Answer: The carefree attitude of University students.
6. According to Ummi, when should you call someone dear
Answer: Only when they mean something to you.
7. After registration, when did Salma and Ummi meet again?
Answer: A few months later
8. Describe the Secretary to the HOD
Answer: She was busy hitting at the computer, a very focused person and a woman of few words.
9. What did Ummi and her husband conclude?
Answer: The recalcitrant male will also misbehave irrespective of what the woman wears.
10. What tribe and religion was the HOD, Dr Samuel Johnson.
Answer: Christian and Yoruba Man.
Meaning Of Words Used in Chapter 2
1. The young men around were openly ogling —stair, look lustfully
2. …ineptitude of the registration officers — lack of skill or ability.
3. I just find your allegation a trifle sweeping – treat someone in a way that lacks proper respect or seriousness.
4. I found his endearing salutation slightly discomforting – inspiring affection.
5.The kind of things I heard Salma say about university lecturers filled me with foreboding – a feeling that something bad will happen; fearful apprehension.
6.I developed an instant, irrepressible feeling of claustrophobia – an irrational fear of confined spaces.
7.The recalcitrant male would always misbehave irrespective of what the woman wears – having an obstinately uncooperative attitude towards authority or discipline.
8.I could not make head or tail of what he was blabbering about – Could not make of meaning out of it.
9. He was buried in the file before him – he was busy checking the file
10. I was genuinely angry with this surreptitious overture – a secret approach